Let us know what to improve!

We are always working on improving this website. There is a lot we want to do here, so let us know what we should prioritize.

Some things we are working on now are:

  • Comment sections (the one below works, try it out!)
  • User accounts
  • More news sources!
  • Sentiment analysis and ranking
  • Interactive content
  • Original articles

and more...

Leave a comment below or email us!


Consider adding a short summary of an article by AI, to quickly catch a context of the article for the readers.


Consider adding some indication of where the comments are comming from, different sites have different demographics


Can't wait for the comment sections! This website needs more interactivity


I dig it. Add some categories for the news. Also search


Finance news category for sure!


+1 to this


This is pretty cool, keep up the good work


Would be cool to see a score for accuracy, bias or any other metric at the top next to the articles title. But I really like this idea! Great job here


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